Profile PictureNed Sahin

Hello! It's Ned. I am a Software Engineer at Microsoft, living in Los Angeles, California.  My love for sharing my knowledge began when I was in middle school. I developed my first website to share posts about software development. In the following years, I wrote 44 articles that were published in popular computer magazines, CHIP and BYTE. After graduating from computer engineering as the first in my class, I started blogging and published over 500 posts to help IT professionals. In the meantime, I wrote six books: All Bets Are Off (Productivity Book), Apartment 905 (Fiction), A Guy with An Accent (Memoir), and three technical books about system engineering. During 15 years of my career, I witnessed many folks giving up quickly on getting their dream jobs, and sometimes, not trying at all due to the fear of rejection and not feeling qualified. I decided to help people around the world to make their dreams come true with this first and only career master course, Dream Catcher. I hope to see you leveraging this course!